





knowledge:openscad:relativity.scad [2022/05/07 06:12] – [Centering] hhlknowledge:openscad:relativity.scad [2023/06/07 04:23] (当前版本) – 外部编辑
行 1: 行 1:
 +====== Relativity SCAD ======
 +Relativity SCAD不是独立语言,只是OpenSCAD的library,但是它提供了一套全新的API替换掉OpenSCAD原有的API的大部分功能,使用起来比OpenSCAD API简单很多。
 +  * 通过描述对象之间的相对位置,大大简化了OpenSCAD建模中繁琐的transformation
 +  * 通过selector对部分对象进行操作,减少了boolean operation的繁琐组合
 +===== 安装 =====
 +下载文件后,将其放在计算机上的 OpenSCAD 文件夹中。此文件夹的位置因操作系统而异。启动 OpenSCAD 并键入以下内容:
 +include <relativity.scad>
 +使用“include”关键字导入依赖很重要。relativity.scad 需要在其初始化期间声明变量。如果您使用“use”关键字导入 relativity.scad,OpenSCAD 将不会加载这些变量,并且会导致奇怪的行为!
 +===== 原始实体 =====
 +这个 OpenSCAD 库增加了相对于其他几何基元的大小、位置和方向对象的功能。
 +为此,该库引入了一组新模块来替换 OpenSCAD 中的默认几何图元:
 +^  实体  ^  新语法  ^  老语法  ^
 +|{{:knowledge:openscad:pasted:20220504-135610.png?200}}|  box  |  cube  |
 +|{{:knowledge:openscad:pasted:20220504-135619.png?200}}|  rod  |  cylinder  |
 +|{{:knowledge:openscad:pasted:20220504-135627.png?200}}|  ball  |  phere  |
 +===== Centering =====
 +First, in place of center is a new attribute, anchor. This attribute specifies where the axis of rotation is to be placed relative to the object. The anchor attribute is given as a vector whose elements range from -1 (e.g. bottom of axis) to 1 (e.g. top of axis). A value of 0 indicates the anchor is to be centered along an axis.\\
 +首先,代替中心的是一个新属性,锚点。此属性指定旋转轴相对于对象的放置位置。锚属性作为一个向量给出,其元素范围从 -1(例如轴的底部)到 1(例如轴的顶部)。值 0 表示锚点将沿轴居中。
 +^ ^  +1  ^  0  ^  -1  ^
 +|X|{{:knowledge:openscad:pasted:20220507-052444.png?200}}\\ 锚=[1,0,0]|{{:knowledge:openscad:pasted:20220507-052554.png?200}}\\ 锚=[0,0,0]|{{:knowledge:openscad:pasted:20220507-052601.png?200}}\\ 锚=[-1,0,0]|
 +|Y |{{:knowledge:openscad:pasted:20220507-060209.png?200}}\\ 锚=[0,1,0]|{{:knowledge:openscad:pasted:20220507-060218.png?200}}\\ 锚=[0,0,0]|{{:knowledge:openscad:pasted:20220507-060228.png?200}}\\ 锚=[0,-1,0]|
 +|Z |{{:knowledge:openscad:pasted:20220507-060236.png?200}}\\ 锚=[0,0,1]|{{:knowledge:openscad:pasted:20220507-060246.png?200}}\\ 锚=[0,0,0]|{{:knowledge:openscad:pasted:20220507-060254.png?200}}\\ 锚=[0,0,-1]|
 +====== Alignment ======
 +The second distinction among these new primitives allows for the creation of child objects. By default, a child object is positioned with its origin at the center of its parent:\\
 +box(50, anchor=[0,0,-1])
 +    sphere(d=55);
 +    </code>
 +this however can be changed using of a second operation, align:
 +box(50, anchor=[0,0,-1])
 +    align([0,0,1])
 +    sphere(d=60);
 +    </code>
 +You can align objects along any axis. The value passed to align() is a vector whose elements range from -1 (e.g. bottom of axis) to 1 (e.g. top of axis). A value of 0 indicates an object is to be placed at the center of its parent along that axis.
 +您可以沿任何轴对齐对象。传递给 align() 的值是一个向量,其元素范围从 -1(例如轴的底部)到 1(例如轴的顶部)。值 0 表示对象将沿该轴放置在其父对象的中心。
 +^ ^+1^0^-1^
 +|X|{{:knowledge:openscad:pasted:20220507-062517.png?200}}\\ 对齐([1,0,0])|{{:knowledge:openscad:pasted:20220507-062525.png?200}}\\ 对齐([0,0,0]|{{:knowledge:openscad:pasted:20220507-062531.png?200}}\\ 对齐([-1,0,0]|
 +|Y|{{:knowledge:openscad:pasted:20220507-062541.png?200}}\\ 对齐([0,1,0]|{{:knowledge:openscad:pasted:20220507-062550.png?200}}\\ 对齐([0,0,0]|{{:knowledge:openscad:pasted:20220507-062556.png?200}}\\ 对齐([0,-1,0]|
 +|Z|{{:knowledge:openscad:pasted:20220507-062603.png?200}}\\ 对齐([0,0,1]|{{:knowledge:openscad:pasted:20220507-062609.png?200}}\\ 对齐([0,0,0]|{{:knowledge:openscad:pasted:20220507-062617.png?200}}\\ 对齐([0,0,-1]|
 +You can also pass a list of vectors. When you pass a list of vectors, align() will create duplicates of its children in the locations indicated by your vectors.
 +您还可以传递向量列表。当您传递向量列表时, align() 将在向量指示的位置创建其子项的副本。
 +box(50, anchor=[0,0,-1])
 +    align([[0,0,1], [0,1,0]])
 +    sphere(d=60);
 +    </code>
 +The examples above use sphere() as their child object. However, ball() can also be be used as a child. Using ball() will allow us to combine align() and anchor, making it easy to stack objects end-to-end:
 +上面的示例使用 sphere() 作为它们的子对象。但是,ball() 也可以用作子级。使用 ball() 将允许我们结合 align() 和锚点,使端到端堆叠对象变得容易:
 +box(50, anchor=[0,0,-1])
 +ball(50, anchor=[0,0,-1])
 +rod(50, anchor=[0,0,-1]);
 +To allow for readable code, relativity.scad comes with a few constants representing commonly used values for the align operator:
 +为了允许代码可读,relativity.scad 带有一些常量,表示对齐运算符的常用值:
 +top = [0,0,1];
 +bottom = [0,0,-1];
 +x = [1,0,0];
 +y = [0,1,0];
 +z = [0,0,1];
 +It is also possible to combine this constant with + or - operators, since OpenSCAD does (simple) vector calculations.
 +也可以将此常数与 + 或 - 运算符结合使用,因为 OpenSCAD 进行(简单)矢量计算。
 +There are also two special variables that are exposed by the align() module, $inward and $outward. $inward points towards the center of a parent object, while $outward points away from it.
 +align()对齐模块还公开了两个特殊变量,$inward 和 $outward。 $inward 指向父对象的中心,而 $outward 指向远离它的对象。
 +The anchor parameter defaults to $inward. This is meant to facilitate stacking objects. All told, the code above can be rewritten:
 +锚参数默认为 $inward。这是为了便于堆叠对象。总而言之,上面的代码可以重写:
 +====== Orientation ======
 +Child objects by default will maintain the same z-axis orientation as their parent objects
 +默认情况下,子对象将保持与其父对象相同的 z 轴方向
 +box(50, anchor=[0,0,-1])
 +rod(d=50, h=50, anchor=[0,-1,0]);
 +This, however, can be changed with the use of another module, orient. The orient module will redirect the top of a child object to face a given direction. Sometimes rotation using orient can be more intuitive than using rotate
 +然而,这可以通过使用另一个模块 orient 来改变。 orient 模块将重定向子对象的顶部以面向给定方向。有时使用 orient 进行旋转比使用 rotate 更直观
 +box(50, anchor=[0,0,-1])
 +rod(d=50, h=50, anchor=[0,0,-1]);
 +You can also pass a list of vectors to orient. In this case, orient will create duplicates of its children with their tops facing the directions you specify in the list.
 +您还可以将向量列表传递给 orient。在这种情况下, orient 将创建其子项的副本,其顶部朝向您在列表中指定的方向。
 +//OpenSCAD logo:  
 +differed("hole", "not(hole)")  
 +rod(d=25, h=50, $class="hole");  
 +====== Sizing ======
 +relativity.scad exposes a dynamic variable, $parent_size, in case there are any unforeseen circumstances where something needs to be done relative to a parent object. This can also be used when setting the size of a child, say, when creating a fractal:
 +relativity.scad 公开了一个动态变量 $parent_size,以防有任何不可预见的情况需要相对于父对象执行某些操作。这也可以在设置孩子的大小时使用,例如,在创建分形时:
 +The tree demo provides a good example for the parent() and $parent_size functionality.
 +树演示为 parent() 和 $parent_size 功能提供了一个很好的示例。
 +To ease the use of $parent_size, geometric primitives for rod and ball accept size as their first parameter argument, much like cube and box.
 +为了简化 $parent_size 的使用,棒和球的几何基元接受大小作为它们的第一个参数参数,就像立方体和盒子一样。
 +An interesting consequence to this means you can pass rod and ball different values for x,y, and z:
 +一个有趣的结果意味着您可以为 x、y 和 z 传递不同的值:
 +rod([$parent_size.x*.5, $parent_size.y*.7, $parent_size.z*.9])
 +rod([$parent_size.x*.5, $parent_size.y*.7, $parent_size.z*.9]);
 +Another, more unfortunate side effect means rod does not currently support multiple diameters/radii through the d1 and d2 parameters. This may change as need arises. You can still use the original cylinder primitive when circumstances call for it, but a better idea might be to perform the hull between two rods, one of infinitesimal height.
 +另一个更不幸的副作用意味着杆目前不支持通过 d1 和 d2 参数的多个直径/半径。这可能会随着需要而改变。当情况需要时,您仍然可以使用原始圆柱体原语,但更好的想法可能是在两根杆之间执行船体,其中一根杆的高度非常小。
 +hulled() rod(d=30, h=infinitesimal) rod(d=10, h=20);
 +====== Styling (AKA "CSG") ======
 +Relativity.scad transforms the way you work with objects in OpenSCAD. You'll find yourself working a lot more with "tree-like" structures, where geometric primitives nest inside one another. This is similar to the way you write using nested tags in html. Just like html, there is a system for performing operations on the tree-like structure. In html, there's css. In relativity, there's the CSG operations
 +Relativity.scad 改变了您在 OpenSCAD 中处理对象的方式。您会发现自己更多地使用“树状”结构,其中几何基元相互嵌套。这类似于您在 html 中使用嵌套标签编写的方式。就像 html 一样,有一个系统可以对树状结构进行操作。在html中,有css。在相对论中,有 CSG 操作:
 + ball(50)  
 + orient([x,y,z])  
 + rod(d=25, h=50, $class="hole");
 + ball(50)  
 + orient([x,y,z])  
 + rod(d=25, h=50, $class="hole");
 +intersected("hole", "not(hole)")
 + ball(50)  
 + orient([x,y,z])  
 + rod(d=25, h=50, $class="hole");
 + ball(50)  
 + orient([x,y,z])  
 + rod(d=25, h=50, $class="hole");  
 + ball(50)  
 + orient([x,y,z])  
 + rod(d=25, h=50, $class="hole");  
 +colored("red", "hole"
 + ball(50) 
 + orient([x,y,z]) 
 + rod(d=25, h=50, $class="hole"); 
 +scaled(0.95, "hole"
 + ball(50) 
 + orient([x,y,z]) 
 + rod(d=25, h=50, $class="hole"); 
 +resized([47,47,47], "hole"
 + ball(50) 
 + orient([x,y,z]) 
 + rod(d=25, h=50, $class="hole"); 
 + mirrored(y) 
 + rotated(22*z, class="hole"
 + ball(50) 
 + orient([x,y,z]) 
 + rod(d=25, h=50, $class="hole"); 
 +rotated(22*z, class="hole"
 + ball(50) 
 + orient([x,y,z]) 
 + rod(d=25, h=50, $class="hole"); 
 +translated(10*z, class="hole"
 + ball(50) 
 + orient([x,y,z]) 
 + rod(d=25, h=50, $class="hole"); 
 +====== Selectors ======
 +Selectors are the means through which CSG operations specify class. Selectors are strings whose format is meant to resemble a subset of CSS selector syntax.
 +选择器是 CSG 操作指定类的方法。选择器是字符串,其格式类似于 CSS 选择器语法的子集。
 +Illustrations below uses the following code:
 +colored("blue", ...)
 +ball(50, $class="parent")
 +    align(x)
 +    ball(40, $class="child A")
 +    align(x)
 +    ball(30, $class="grandchild");
 +    align(z)
 +    ball(40, $class="child B")
 +    align(z)
 +    ball(30, $class="grandchild");
 +    align(-x)
 +    ball(40, $class="child C")
 +    align(-x)
 +    ball(30, $class="grandchild");
 +As of version 2015.02.14, selectors support the following syntax:
 +从 2015.02.14 版本开始,选择器支持以下语法:
 +|Tree|{{:knowledge:openscad:pasted:20220507-082338.png}}|A fractal tree rendered using parent() and mirrored()\\ 使用 parent() 和 mirrored() 渲染的分形树|
 +|Stepper Motor|{{:knowledge:openscad:pasted:20220507-082514.png}}|A high fidelity NEMA-17 stepper motor written in 50 lines of code\\ 用 50 行代码编写的高保真 NEMA-17 步进电机|
 +|Motor Mount|{{:knowledge:openscad:pasted:20220507-082635.png}}|A stepper motor mount made easy with attach()\\ 使用 attach() 可以轻松安装步进电机|
 +|Human Body|{{:knowledge:openscad:pasted:20220507-082712.png}}|A human body designed using techniques in classical figure drawing. Work in progress. Not for the faint-hearted.\\ 使用古典人物绘画技术设计的人体。工作正在进行中。不适合胆小的人。|
 +|Flower| | |
 +|Centipede| | |
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